Sunday, March 9, 2008


Wow, this last week was a pretty busy one… I had much to, but I hope that I can compensate by writing a little more this new week. Before approaching any of the subjects’ that I want to talk about today, I have to sadly announce the end of my other blog due to some problems with it. I hope to be able to recover and continue it someday.

As a consequence now I have more free time for this blog, which means that from now on, I’ll write 2 weekly posts instead of just 1 and I’ll do that whenever I feel to, so not the two at the same time, but spaced and somewhere during the week. And another consequence is that I have to “transfer” the goals of the other blog to this one, as for example, practicing the summarize skill.

Anyway, more important things need to be discussed now… :P

PS: For those who are interested, a new comment has been done on the post “Elections and the duty to vote” and I think it’s going to be interesting the future developments… :P

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