I hope more people saw this and be concerned as I am...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Today's head news...
I hope more people saw this and be concerned as I am...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
What's the price?
Monday, September 22, 2008
... and conclusion of yesterday's post
Well, check the website (click on the word ANWB here or above) yourselves and who knows, maybe other countries have also efficient ways of giving traffic information and this can be a way of sharing how it works in other places...
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A new chapter... (continuation)
My idea is to give more life to this blog. The initial idea was to have several people contributing to the blog but unfortunately the friends to whom I've shared the existence of the blog have tight agendas and therefore can only contribute with comments once in a while. But I still hope to see them post on their own one day :P
Anyway, I've said this several times (actually too many times) but now I'm setting the goals very low so that I can contribute daily. So every day I'll try to write in one or two lines a summary of an idea. Then with a little bit of less frequency I'll try just to introduce a topic and with even less frequency I'll try to go deep with one of the topics previously introduced.
So today there goes another idea:
"Honesty has to always go along with trust and respect. And more importantly the time frame to use them. One can always shout the truth than no one will listen if it is not done in the right moment."
A new chapter...
Let's cut to the chase and be practical.
An idea to share and comment:
Behind a strong love there is also a strong friendship on a long time relationship.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Latest developments...
Now all my time goes to my family, to her and to finishing my studies which means that the blog will be inactive for a while. My sincerest apologies...
Meanwhile, a great friend of mine gave me a text to put on my blog. His artistic name is D’Lay (lets make some publicity to him and his band Orphelia –> google it if you want to know more :P)Unfortunately it is in Portuguese so my dearest English readers still have to wait for a new “fresh” post.
Here’s the text (and I have to make the warning for parental advice because of the explicit content on this post :P)
Querem-me roubar, querem-me a mim para eles, querem negar o meu
pensamento, querem negar minha existência. O mundo dos prazeres
conspurca-me quando não o presido!
Todo o revolucionário tem de andar bem fodido.
A força da revolução tem de ser pura, não pode ser imiscuída nas águas
porcas do desejo.
Quando quero foder, não quero saber!
O bom revolucionário anda bem fodido.
Quando cuspimos o leite da reprodução, temos de inspirar os fumos da revolução!
Ah! C'a granda foda! (Obrigado querida, és a maior, amo-te muito!)
Tenho direito a ser feliz cabrões!
Tenho direito a ser feliz cabrões!
Tenho direito a ser feliz cabrões!
Tenho direito a ser feliz cabrões!
Tenho direito a ser feliz cabrões!
Tenho direito a ser feliz cabrões!
Tenho direito a ser feliz cabrões!
Tenho direito a ser feliz cabrões!
Tenho direito a ser feliz cabrões!
Tenho direito a ser feliz cabrões!
Tenho direito a ser feliz cabrões! E vou ser! Quer queiras quer não queiras! Não mandas em mim, olha olha!
À noite, no escuro, vejo melhor, estou melhor. Os monstros debaixo da
cama só assustam reaccionários, só eles é que escondem fortunas
debaixo dos colchões.
Quem não deve, não teme.
Em terra de cegos, quem tem um olho que se cuide, porque a inveja vê no escuro.
Ena pá! Bueda giro! Tenho saudades vossas! E jantarmos todos juntos?! Isso é que era!
Ri-te! Tristezas não pagam dívidas, e só os tesos é que fodem!
Homem que é homem caga no mel e papa as abelhas!
(Oiço apenas os ecos de mim mesmo. Não me vi vomitar, apenas vi o vómito.)
(A sério, aí os típicos cabecilhas que marquem uma janta. Nem só de saudosismos vive o homem (e a mulher))”
Forgive him for is unordinary speech… :P
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Time for a change of speech…
I keep complaining but the fact is I write and maintain the blog active, even if not as often as I desire. Additionally I am "organizing" my ideas and beliefs in order to find my path and what I want to do in the future. Hmm… this kind of reminds me of my last post, which was very pessimist about the future. Meanwhile some time as passed but the news and developments since then keep me believe that the future is going to be tense and problematic unless our generation try to make something change.
So far I've spent most of my time criticizing and pointing out the defects of the actual society and I think that is enough… for a while. I feel I managed to gather a little bit of information about how society works and its problems but I think now is time to go to the next step, that is try to find solutions for some of the problems that I have been mentioning as well as a way to apply them in reality. I believe it will be a challenging task and never forget that there should be some debating first, but now it’s time for action more than any other thing.
As I am writing this post I already had some opportunities to put this idea of pass to action into practice and so far I am thrilled with the results.
Unfortunately the conversations I had sometimes did not lead to a conclusion as happened when the topic was abortion, but at least after it I had a clearer view of some of the sides involved and what was really into discussion.
But some did end with good ideas, as for example when the topic was the prisons. How to make a prison less of a burden to society and more useful to it having a minimum life conditions for the prisoners? I'll just give one small idea that was discussed because I don't want to make this post huge: a system of work with rewards. The prisoner has the minimum but if he wants more he will have to work to deserve it. Why this might work? Because humans are ambitious by nature and one always wants more if they are given the chance. And this could be used to subsidize, for example, technical courses so that they could be doing something they like and get rehabilitated for getting back to society.
That doesn't mean that I stop showing some bad actions and attitudes currently happening because I still feel that for some of my friends part of the facts that I say are not trusted or believed by them. But they'll cease to be septic about what I say if I show my sources and how credible they are. Maybe someday they start to believe and see that there is need to people intervene in the society.
One thing is already sure: I gave up waiting for comments. If they appear, great, but even if they don't I don't care anymore... I'll keep on my way and fight for a fairer and more equal world.
What the hell can be done and what is my plan of action - you might ask?
Well, before I can start acting some reading and study might be useful so as a start I'm going to read the book Kapital of Karl Marx. For some the "bible" of the communism might seem too radical start, but I believe that the book is much more useful than to apply communism: for example it contains a concept of an economical system that I want to take a look. If afterwards I don't see a way to apply some of the ideas in it, at least I understand better the communism and know its advantages and also its flaws.
For example I believe it will be easier for me to discuss politics after I read the book and specially talk to someone that defends communism.
I guess it’s enough for me. I already say what I wanted…
PS: It’s just a minor detail as it doesn’t change anything in the post, but this post was written in the beginning of the month. However only now I found time to review the post and publish it on the internet. Sorry for that… but FINALLY it’s here.
Monday, March 24, 2008
In the sequence of the post “Auction’s website in Germany”...
The world must be getting crazier every day… I read an article few days ago which title was referring that French landlords are taking advantage of the crisis by renting or sharing rooms in exchange of “services sexueles”. The original article was published on the “Libération” and the content of the news explains the new kind of business with rooms due to the high price of the houses in France. According to the article, instead of the advertisement for the room with the price of it, the new “model” of renting proposes the payment of the room with the body, sometimes implicit but other really explicit.
I will just add that from one of the phone calls that the French journalists did for the article, one of the guys who had a room for rent was telling that the person who would take the room have to, among other things, be naked as frequently as possible and hang the legs on the sofa to excite the owner.
So tell me… what the hell are people thinking?! Where will this kind of things lead to?!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Women’s Day
Although so many days have passed since then, I think it is a good subject for this blog: women and their role in society. I’ll start with a carton that I found on a Portuguese newspaper that I find very interesting and that will give the mote for today’s post:

I think that still today there are many aspects where society tends to be very “male”, even considering the so called “Developed countries”. Still, I notice that mentalities are changing and more and more the “weaker” gender (:P :P) is ending… despite all the obstacles women had and have to deal.
I believe that both genders should have the same fundamental rights, like for example the right to live (by the way, did you know that until recently for the Portuguese law, a man who found his wife in his bed with another man committing adultery could kill both of them and that would be considered a small crime, since for the law the man was “cleaning” his honor), right to personal integrity, right of freedom, freedom of speech, information and press, etc… in sum, everything that is on the Portuguese Constitution.
However, I disagree when I find that there are laws where is stated which jobs the women CAN’T perform (yeah, that exists… men have to do some heavy jobs that the law prohibits women to do :P). And I also believe that should exist some positive healthy discrimination because women are better at some things while men at others. Well, physiologic the genders are different: men are stronger than women; women are multi tasking… and many more differences could be pointed out. And that should be emphasized and those differences could be used to head towards a fair and equal society, where each gender would do what it is best on…
One last thing… I find very disappointing reading the Bible and find how the woman is retracted there… like an object belonging to men (I wish I had here the Bible with me to give an example… oh well, when I’m back to Delft I’ll do that….). At least so far in my reading…
I think I’ll stop here… I just wanted to give a starter… :P
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Wow, this last week was a pretty busy one… I had much to, but I hope that I can compensate by writing a little more this new week. Before approaching any of the subjects’ that I want to talk about today, I have to sadly announce the end of my other blog due to some problems with it. I hope to be able to recover and continue it someday.
As a consequence now I have more free time for this blog, which means that from now on, I’ll write 2 weekly posts instead of just 1 and I’ll do that whenever I feel to, so not the two at the same time, but spaced and somewhere during the week. And another consequence is that I have to “transfer” the goals of the other blog to this one, as for example, practicing the summarize skill.
Anyway, more important things need to be discussed now… :P
PS: For those who are interested, a new comment has been done on the post “Elections and the duty to vote” and I think it’s going to be interesting the future developments… :P
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Auction’s website in Germany
This past week was pretty rough for me because I had some “extracurricular” activities to do, most of them demanding from my creativity and skills. Anyway, to compensate for not having written to this blog this last week, this week I will wrote not one, but three posts, each handling a different subject.
So, the first one is about an article that I read on the news. It happened in Germany, which means not much far from where I am (NL). The title of the article is (after translation): “Sexual auction’s website forced to give names of users”. In short, the article was about a woman who had sex with 6 guys (website’s users) and one of them knocked her up. Then, the woman wanted to find who the father was but the company didn’t want to reveal the real identity of the men claiming confidentiality of data. Well, she went to court and won.
I brought this article because of the idea behind it. First of all, my intentions are not making any judgment or criticize, but just to wonder about it. I’m realizing that more and more sex has become so ordinary that sometimes it looks like it is the same as buying a pair of socks: you look for what you want, then pay, then “do” it.
I’m not worried about the existence of such “activities”, but I start to wonder when I find that they are expanding and growing. I don’t even really know how to address this topic. Is it good idea to censor it? Is it good idea to just ignore it?
The way that this looks to be heading, one day people will do like in the movie “Demolition Man”, where people, to have pleasure, put a kind of virtual reality glasses and then their brain receives electrical impulses simulating the feelings and emotions of someone having sex.
I don’t know, but sex is more than physical and matters who the other person is. It gives a special meaning to the moment and makes it somehow special.
I’ll keep thinking what these kind of news mean…
Canadian driver
Now the second post… The subject comes again from an article that I read on a newspaper’s website few days ago.
The “action” takes place in Canada and it is astonishing. A drunk driver was found by policemen wondering around inside the police station with his car parked just in front of it. Then he was put into custody for irresponsible driving.
This is something really hard to imagine in the place where I come from (PT), where a drunk driver would always try to avoid the police. But these are the small things that show the identity of a country and the people living in it.
However, what I don’t understand, no matter how I think of it, is that Portuguese people act differently when they live outside Portugal. They usually live according with the local traditions and customs though trying somehow keeping their identity and showing the positive side of the Portuguese people.
It’s a pity that Portuguese have an overall good reputation outside their country, not only by the image they give, but also by the results they obtain, and still Portugal is growing and developing so slow. I think one of the things missing in Portugal is people actually concerned in defending their rights and fulfilling their duties as citizens. And I’m not referring talking and giving opinions. I’m referring of real actions and attitudes like, for example, participating actively in politics or know the constitution of the country. People who delegate their rights and duties to others end up being explored by those others and won’t live better and happy.
Wake up people and start caring about Portugal! Don’t let others do your “job”! Start contributing to make Portugal a better country!...
Cool car
Finally, the third post for this week is about a light subject. Since in the last post I was writing about drivers, why not write about cars and new models.
Very recently I read (another) newspaper´s article regarding a new car. What this car had different from others that made me wrote about it? Well, it’s based on an existing car (Lotus Esprit) used in a James Bond’s movie. Second, it’s a convertible. So far, nothing new, but now comes the interesting part: the car also works under water, making it a king of submarine car. Cool hein!… Look at the photos:
Oh, just to make a small quote:
“The sQuba can go up to 10 meters under water thanks to its structure 'Carbon Nano Tubes', two propellers and two jets. Rinspeed, the manufacturer of sQuba, inspired on the car Lotus Esprit of a movie of James Bond. The list of equipment includes a system to give oxygen to the two people on the car.”
Sunday, February 10, 2008
European Airliners Association Ranking
This is just another topic that in the end covers another downside of the Portuguese society.
A few days ago I was reading a newspaper on the internet when one of the news captured my eye. The title was: “TAP is the European airliner that gets more often delayed and that looses more luggages” (literal translation from Portuguese). Was that fact supposed to surprise me!? (I’m being ironic of course). All the flights that I did with TAP none have left at the right time, though sometimes they did arrive almost on time. How is that possible?! They fly at a higher speed, but at the expenses of a lower efficiency of fuel. So, in the end the company is losing something with that.
Then I continue reading the article and it says that the Association of European Airliners made a study to analyze some aspects of the European Airliners (the study includes 26 airliners). The conclusions of that study consist of tables that show the percentage of flights that depart on time and flights that arrive on time. TAP is on the end of those tables with 59,5% of arrivals on time and 62,5% departures on time. Hmmm… this fact kind of contradicts what I’ve said before because it states that the number of flights on time on arrivals is lower than on departures… but maybe not because the universe (number of flights) that I know is very small compared with the total amount of flights of TAP. Perhaps the captains of the flights that I did preferred to arrive on time and spend more fuel. Who knows?
On this study the Luxembourgish “Luxair” is the top company with less delays followed by KLM (the company in which I flew last time). I think that I should try to choose that company more often because not only I liked a lot the trip like also the studies confirm that the company is really good. Then I think… Portugal is integrating many European directives, laws and rules and when people in Portugal complain about something wrong in Portugal there is always someone pointing to the examples in Europe and that we should do the same. Well, this could be a matter where TAP could look to their competitors on Europe in order to improve its services, don’t you think?...
Well, the study also refers another point, the percentage of loss luggage. Also in this field TAP is in the last place of the table with almost 28 luggages lost per 1000 passengers. What else can I say? It’s a shame, is what it is. Unfortunately here the examples come from countries outside the Schengen space, with “Air Malta” and “Turkish Airlines” on the top. This makes sense since they need to have tighter security measures resulting from having “closed” borders.
This is a topic in my field, that’s why I decided to bring it up. Nevertheless, it illustrates how the Portuguese society is. See you…
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Emergency services in Portugal
So today’s' subject, like the title suggests, is about the way emergency services are working in Portugal nowadays. A week ago, on the news of every television and newspaper's website of the country there was shown a recording first between the family and the emergency services and afterwards only between emergency services (112 operator, doctor and firefighters). Here it is a copy of the recording on "Sapo Videos"...
Unfortunately the movie is in Portuguese, but I'll explain what it shows and why I'm writing about it. I have to start saying that this movie could have been taken from a comedy show, but the sad part is that the movie is very real. The first part shows the content of the call to the 112. It's stupid the amount of questions the operator asks to the victim's family and moreover the number of times the operator ask the same questions (on different times of the call) and the time spent just to do a simple call to 112. But this is not the worst...
The second part, the first time I saw it I started laughing, but then I realized that I was listening to a actual conversation and then I was amazed... I know that Portugal has several serious problems, but such incompetency, plus the fact of human lives being at stake, was too unbelievable for me. Why!? The 112 called to a fire department and there was only a firefighter on duty that was also using is cell phone while receiving the emergency call so that you can clearly see that he's not paying attention to the call. Moreover, he asks what he has to do. Come on, didn't he received training for doing his work on an emergency situation!? Oh, and when the operator is giving him the number of the emergency registration, he answers that he doesn't have anything to write. How can just a jackass like that be working as a firefighter?
After a certain point, the operator decides to call another fire department to quickly try dispatching an ambulance. The fire department, she called was on the next town, but again it had only a firefighter as well. With such incompetency shown so far, more one stopped surprising me.
At some point they found a way to solve the situation by making the second firefighter call others to enter on duty and head with the ambulance to the place where the emergency call was made.
Some days after this news, the firefighters' services were changed so that they would be able to give assistance on new similar situations. But that doesn't change the fact that there are serious problems with the emergency services in country such as Portugal, a country in Europe and member of the EU. Part of me still can´t believe that the video is real.
This is just something that I wanted to share with you that I think is cause of concern, specially for the people living in Portugal away from cities, because the call is made for fire departments of small villages or at least, really small towns (you can see where the place is at http://www.castedo.eu/googlemaps.htm ). Bye...