Thursday, June 26, 2008

Time for a change of speech…

This is a misery, as it tends to become a habit. The last time I remember writing to the blog was my last flight to Lisbon...
I keep complaining but the fact is I write and maintain the blog active, even if not as often as I desire. Additionally I am "organizing" my ideas and beliefs in order to find my path and what I want to do in the future. Hmm… this kind of reminds me of my last post, which was very pessimist about the future. Meanwhile some time as passed but the news and developments since then keep me believe that the future is going to be tense and problematic unless our generation try to make something change.
So far I've spent most of my time criticizing and pointing out the defects of the actual society and I think that is enough… for a while. I feel I managed to gather a little bit of information about how society works and its problems but I think now is time to go to the next step, that is try to find solutions for some of the problems that I have been mentioning as well as a way to apply them in reality. I believe it will be a challenging task and never forget that there should be some debating first, but now it’s time for action more than any other thing.
As I am writing this post I already had some opportunities to put this idea of pass to action into practice and so far I am thrilled with the results.
Unfortunately the conversations I had sometimes did not lead to a conclusion as happened when the topic was abortion, but at least after it I had a clearer view of some of the sides involved and what was really into discussion.
But some did end with good ideas, as for example when the topic was the prisons. How to make a prison less of a burden to society and more useful to it having a minimum life conditions for the prisoners? I'll just give one small idea that was discussed because I don't want to make this post huge: a system of work with rewards. The prisoner has the minimum but if he wants more he will have to work to deserve it. Why this might work? Because humans are ambitious by nature and one always wants more if they are given the chance. And this could be used to subsidize, for example, technical courses so that they could be doing something they like and get rehabilitated for getting back to society.
That doesn't mean that I stop showing some bad actions and attitudes currently happening because I still feel that for some of my friends part of the facts that I say are not trusted or believed by them. But they'll cease to be septic about what I say if I show my sources and how credible they are. Maybe someday they start to believe and see that there is need to people intervene in the society.
One thing is already sure: I gave up waiting for comments. If they appear, great, but even if they don't I don't care anymore... I'll keep on my way and fight for a fairer and more equal world.
What the hell can be done and what is my plan of action - you might ask?
Well, before I can start acting some reading and study might be useful so as a start I'm going to read the book Kapital of Karl Marx. For some the "bible" of the communism might seem too radical start, but I believe that the book is much more useful than to apply communism: for example it contains a concept of an economical system that I want to take a look. If afterwards I don't see a way to apply some of the ideas in it, at least I understand better the communism and know its advantages and also its flaws.
For example I believe it will be easier for me to discuss politics after I read the book and specially talk to someone that defends communism.
I guess it’s enough for me. I already say what I wanted…

PS: It’s just a minor detail as it doesn’t change anything in the post, but this post was written in the beginning of the month. However only now I found time to review the post and publish it on the internet. Sorry for that… but FINALLY it’s here.

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