This past week was pretty rough for me because I had some “extracurricular” activities to do, most of them demanding from my creativity and skills. Anyway, to compensate for not having written to this blog this last week, this week I will wrote not one, but three posts, each handling a different subject.
So, the first one is about an article that I read on the news. It happened in Germany, which means not much far from where I am (NL). The title of the article is (after translation): “Sexual auction’s website forced to give names of users”. In short, the article was about a woman who had sex with 6 guys (website’s users) and one of them knocked her up. Then, the woman wanted to find who the father was but the company didn’t want to reveal the real identity of the men claiming confidentiality of data. Well, she went to court and won.
I brought this article because of the idea behind it. First of all, my intentions are not making any judgment or criticize, but just to wonder about it. I’m realizing that more and more sex has become so ordinary that sometimes it looks like it is the same as buying a pair of socks: you look for what you want, then pay, then “do” it.
I’m not worried about the existence of such “activities”, but I start to wonder when I find that they are expanding and growing. I don’t even really know how to address this topic. Is it good idea to censor it? Is it good idea to just ignore it?
The way that this looks to be heading, one day people will do like in the movie “Demolition Man”, where people, to have pleasure, put a kind of virtual reality glasses and then their brain receives electrical impulses simulating the feelings and emotions of someone having sex.
I don’t know, but sex is more than physical and matters who the other person is. It gives a special meaning to the moment and makes it somehow special.
I’ll keep thinking what these kind of news mean…